Click the Apple button to open the Apple Menu.If you suspect that your microphone got damaged after the Mojave update, then here are some possible fixes: Solution #1: Configure the Microphone Settings. We created this post to provide you with the possible solutions to resolve any microphone problems with macOS so you can continue your communications with your colleagues, friends, and even relatives. Now, if you are looking for ways to fix a microphone that is not working on macOS Mojave or other operating systems, then you’ve come to the right place. So, when these microphones are not cooperating, we won’t be surprised if Mac users easily get frustrated, right? They can be used in daily applications like in Discord and Fortnite for communicating with gamers, as well as Skype for talking with business owners or distant relatives.

Mac’s internal microphones are quite handy and more reliable than third-party external microphones.